Genre Learning from the EAP Class to Undergraduate Research Symposiums
主 讲 人:游晓晔
主 持 人:苗 宁 教授
游晓晔,现任美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学英语系和亚洲研究系人文教授、博士生导师。2014-2020年任广东外语外贸大学云山讲座教授。研究领域为比较修辞学、多语言写作、世界英语。出版专著7部,发表论文、书评等60余篇,其中22篇发表在SSCI, AHCI期刊。主持美国国家级项目1项,参与中国国家级、省部级社科基金项目5项,发起并主持中美“跨洋互动”写作教学项目。专著《用“鬼子话”写作---中国英语作文史》揭示了百余年来英语作文在中国跨文化和跨语言的历史,挑战并改写了英语写作教学研究领域以美国为中心的历史叙事,于2011年获美国大学写作教师协会唯一“杰出学术著作奖”。专著《世界英语与跨界读写》获2018年度该协会的“科研影响力奖”。
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses have provided undergraduate students with a key supporting structure for their research. After leaving these courses, students may write their senior theses or write for research journals or research symposiums. What genre knowledge and writing expertise will they gain through these activities and how? This talk will examine the genre learning of a group of Chinese university students as they completed their EAP courses and then participated in three undergraduate research symposiums (URSs). The study reveals that while they furthered genre knowledge across six domains, they made significant gains in subject matter, discourse community, and genre-specific knowledge but a minimal gain in rhetorical knowledge. Given the affordances of URSs, the talk concludes by suggesting ways to strengthen the ties between the EAP curricula and URSs and ways to enhance students’ rhetorical knowledge.